YMCA Brighton’s clients and Board rejoiced the return of the annual Client Appreciation Awards in late June. 47 clients received 56 awards in recognition for their contributions to client involvement over the last year, in four different sections: Volunteering Award, Life Skills Award; Achieving Aspirations Award; Working Together Award; Extra Mile Award, ‘Newsletter Contribution Award’.
The event was an opportunity for YMCA volunteers and EVOLVE AND WORK AND LEARNING clients to get recognition for their endeavours and celebrate their triumphs and for staff to celebrate their achievements.
‘Year upon year, the Client Appreciation Awards celebrates clients’ vital contribution to a sense of community in the projects, be it either by dedicating huge amounts of time towards their project’s garden, writing the newsletter, working with us to pitch to receive funding or saving the lives of others by using CPR. We want our clients’ kindness and skills to not go unnoticed.’ Said Briony Banks, Client Involvement Manager at YMCA Brighton.
YMCA Brighton client representatives Wayne, Adam, Brenda and John offered support throughout the event. Brenda baked a personalised cake, which reproduced the looks of the award certificate.