High quality accommodation and the best support will help you overcome the toughest moments.
We believe that high quality housing teamed with the best support will help everyone discover and achieve their true potential and overcome difficulties they might have experienced.
We offer shared and self-contained housing, across six projects, to over 300 people in Brighton, Hove and Portslade. All projects are staffed.
We know that people’s needs vary at different points in their lives. Everyone who lives in our accommodation is offered one-to-one keyworking support. Our project workers are trained to a high standard to provide the best care and support on the journey from supported housing to independent living.
To reside in one of our supported housing projects, you need some support and are willing to engage with the project team while working towards meeting these needs.
How do I access housing at YMCA Brighton?
All referrals to our housing are made through Brighton and Hove City Council.
Housing Options Telephone Service
phone: 01273 294 400
The service is open 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
Housing Options Email
Housing Options Location (Map)
If you meet the criteria for our accommodation, we will invite you for a housing interview. This will give you the opportunity to look around and for us to assess whether the support we offer is right for you.
Find out more here or click for information on the shared ownership schemes.
We offer different types of housing across Brighton and Hove, please click on each circular house or click here:
Move On
Move on surgeries:
These are aimed at ensuring you make the most of your bid on the Homemove scheme. We also offer guidance on how to search the web for private accommodation. We give advice on obtaining funding or grants and how to put together an attractive portfolio for prospective landlords.
Meeting ex-residents:
There are opportunities to meet with people who have already been through our accommodation and have moved on. You can ask questions and find out useful and practical information as well as get an idea about what the process entails from an emotional perspective.
Move on fair:
These day events take place periodically and include attendance from the main housing, support and advice providers in Brighton and Hove. This also is another opportunity to meet people who used to live in YMCA housing. Our staff provide a range of services on the day too, such as help with registering on Homemove, advice on accommodation websites and financial advice, working on a move on pack that should help everyone prepare for independent living.
If you have any further queries, please email us at: generalenquiries@brightonymca.co.uk