EVOLVE is open to anyone 18+ supported by drug and alcohol services in Brighton & Hove, who has a work, learning, or volunteering goal they would like to achieve.
Our team of Coaches work with people across the city to pursue, achieve and sustain goals around work and learning. We provide a truly personalised, strengths-based service, ensuring service users’ aspirations are at the heart of their support and encouraging them to take ownership of their lives. Through flexible and creative approaches, service users build resilience and embed positive responses to challenges they face on their journey to independence.
If you would like to find out more please have your recovery worker/coordinator complete the Expression of Interest form and return via email on evolvecoaching@ymcabrighton.co.uk or 01273 220900 and ask to speak to EVOLVE.
We cannot accept self-referrals at this time.
What to expect?
After we have received your expression of interest form, we will invite you for a welcome meeting, this is an informal chat to get to know you a bit better, to learn about why you want to work with EVOLVE and what your goals are!
If you would like to read our welcome meeting document beforehand, please follow the link below.