YMCA Brighton

The city’s Make Change Count campaign, supporting people who are rough sleeping, is back

More than £100,000 has been raised and gone directly to help some of our most vulnerable residents since the campaign began four years ago. This year’s fundraising page is now live.

The campaign is more needed than ever. The global pandemic has had a huge impact on vulnerable rough sleepers. This has been seen here in our city as elsewhere.

Support is vital.

The Make Change Count campaign links local organisations which are experienced in supporting rough sleepers and preventing homelessness.

As one of the main support providers for homeless people in Brighton, we are one of the participating organisations: BHT, Sussex Nightstop, Equinox, Antifreeze, The Clock Tower Sanctuary, YMCA Downslink Group, and YMCA Brighton.

These organisations, like many in the city, are working to provide connections into services and help people meet their basic needs.

Through Make Change Count, you can help with this essential action by supporting the aims of the campaign.

  1. It offers a great alternative for people who want to give change to rough sleepers but recognise that their money can do more.
  2. It facilitates the professional help that is needed to give a homeless person the best chance to get off the streets and into safety.
  3. It supports vital charities in the city who work together to provide effective support.

At a time when a drop in fundraising is being experienced, with many events closed, whilst at the same time a rise in need of services is increased, it is vital to understand and react to the complexity of homelessness. move away from the streets.

Let Streetlink know if you see anyone in need living on the streets so tailored help can be offered

At YMCA Brighton, we work individually with clients to ensure we encourage them to fulfill their full potential.

We know that the best chance for a homeless person to get off the streets and stay off the streets is with professional help. Making sure help reaches homeless people is far more effective than giving money to people directly. Make Change Count is a way for you to make that happen.

  • No funds raised are used for administration of the charities or the campaign. If £5 is donated, then £5 will go to people in need.
  • The campaign is supported by Brighton & Hove City Council, Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner and Sussex Police.
  • If you are concerned about someone sleeping rough in England or Wales, you can use the Streetlink website to send an alert. The details you provide are sent to the local authority or outreach service for the area in which you have seen the person, to help them find the individual and connect them to support (www.streetlink.org.uk or 0300 500 0914). Outreach workers are experienced in supporting people to