shYMCA Brighton was founded in 1870. From its base in Steine House it provided accommodation for single people such as servicemen and apprentices.


In 1967 Steine House began to accommodate those under the care of the local authority, such as single mothers and their children and homeless people.


In 1975 YMCA Brighton registered as a Housing Association. It did this in order to continue to meet the needs of our clients. It also paved the way for future developments.


2014George Williams House was opened in 1986. George Williams House had formerly been a children’s home known as “Highlands” which was closed by East Sussex County Council.


wch8On the 14th of August 1989, Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal opened William Collier House. William Collier House was named after William Collier MBE, YMCA Brighton’s Chief Executive from 1967 to 1990.



Morton Court, a block of 27 flats on Old Shoreham Road in Portslade, opened in 1992. Morton Court was named after the late James Morton, who had been Chairman of YMCA Brighton.


fec1Fred Emery Court was completed in 1995 and was named after long standing Board Member Fred Emery.


sc01Stanley Court, a block of 31 studio flats, started to be managed by YMCA Brighton in 1997.
The church front of the building is all that now remains of the Lewes Road Congregational Church, built in 1872.


lbh2Leslie Best House, completed in 2000, was developed under a government initiative to reduce rough sleeping. The building itself is named after former YMCA Brighton Board Member Leslie Best. The house offered mixed accommodation until 2019, when it started to offer women’s only housing.


gwm2In March 2009, the redevelopment of George Williams Mews was completed. This included 25 en-suite bedrooms in 5 houses, 37 studio flats and an office block and a work and learning centre. In January 2010, Her Royal Highness the Princess Royal formerly opened the project.

Unfortunately 2009 also saw a fire take hold at Steine House, which caused significant damage and contributed to the closure of Steine House as a provider of hostel accommodation.


Following extensive fire repairs, in 2012 YMCA Brighton moved its Registered Office to Steine House.


leaving the ymca11 studio flats newly developed in Steine House opened their doors to YMCA Brighton residents. Our Registered Office continues to be based at Steine House.


In 2018, Leslie Best House started to offer women’s only accommodation. This was a much welcome change in housing provision in the city.


Later the same year, Bennett House was acquired and thus YMCA Brighton had the opportunity to support vulnerable people in 10 more housing units.