Jane Owen, Service Improvement Officer at YMCA Brighton

What does your job entail?

Reviewing, improving and updating a range of policies.  Working with projects to ensure they understand any new policies or procedural changes.  Carrying out annual reviews and writing reports on Safeguarding, Incidents and Complaints.  Facilitating internal meetings and provide support for Move On Co-ordinators and Complex Needs Workers; Assist with contract monitoring (PI’s)

What do you enjoy most in your job?

Being involved in improving the service and bringing about change.  Working with a dedicated team.

How did you decide to work at the YMCA?

After leaving Sussex University I wanted to then train to become a social worker.  I needed to gain some work experience so I applied to YMCA Brighton and was appointed as a project worker at Steine House. 26 years later I’m still here!

In three words, what does your job entail?

Collaboration, development & research.

What is the biggest challenge in your position?

Gathering all the relevant data to ensure accurate reporting can be quite challenging.


How to contact you: jane.owen@brightonymca.co.uk

Mobile: 07884953455